PS Modernism Week 2014 Celebrates Scene and Style

Palm Springs’ Modernism Week: Scene and Style
Palm Springs’ Modernism Week: Beyond the Architecture
Palm Springs’ Modernism Week 2014 came to a close on February 23rd, but the last party wasn’t limited to only celebrating architecture, as designer Trina Turk offered the final lecture before the closing soiree in a manner that perfectly married style and estates.
Inspired by the multicultural mix of architecture and landscape in Southern California, Turk’s style––and voice––was a natural fit in wrapping up the activities (at the Annenberg Estate, no less). However, Turk’s appearance wasn’t the only style vibes being given off this past week; if you didn’t attend, here’s what you missed.
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The most obvious spot to have done any P.S. shopping during Modernism Week was at the Modernism Week Show & Sale. Tightly curated, the space had pieces that were deemed the best of each showroom present. While it wasn’t limited to only mid-century modern dealers, the items were all easy to mix-and-match within that style realm. Take Neil Rasmussen’s exhibit, for example: his antiques blend modern design and American western influence. Based in Menlo Park, many of his pieces end up in the surrounding neighborhood of mid-century modern Eichler homes.
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While art is present at the Modernism Week showroom and the yard sale, a larger selection housing Warhol’s, Dali’s, and artists that are more contemporary sits directly adjacent. Although technically not related to Modernism Week, the Palm Springs Fine Fair concurrently exhibits with the Modernism Week Show & Sale. They’re both in the Palm Springs Convention Center, maximizing your culture and, well, shopping experience.
Not everything in Palm Springs’ Modernism Week was something saved from the mid-century, though. The Prefab Showcase and Modern Living Expo was an amalgam of architects’ and designers’ expert commentary morphed into an outdoor show space, more geared towards the incorporation of modern technology into your residence. Many of the products of the event were made to highlight green or smart technology, demo-ing ways you can modernize your current (or future) mid-century modern home.
If you weren’t planning to rescue another piece of furniture, there were plenty of reasons to party during P.S. Modernism Week. Our insiders picked a favorite for this year’s event: the Palm Springs Preservation Foundation Retro Martini Party. Touted as one of the most refined soirees of Modernism Week, 2014’s PSPF event was held at the Walt & Lilly Disney Residence in Smoke Tree Ranch.
Another event that quickly sold out was the Palm Springs’ Modernism Committee Annual Gala. Crafted around a Moroccan-motif, the party took place at the Bougain Villa, a residence that eventually became a collab between Modernism Week 2014’s honoree Hugh Kaptur, and the renowned Albert Frey.
If you were staying and playing after dark, there were––and are––various P.S. events for every taste. Single-gal in your twenties? Peruse this guide. Looking to re-live the sixties? You should’ve been at the Purple Room’s Monterey Pop Fest. Supper club-meets-music, the Purple Room hosted events nearly every evening during this week’s gathering. In fact, remembering all of this has us already wanting to go back.
Tell us, what were your favorite events? What are you already planning for next year?