Mid-Century Modern
A Dozen Reasons to Unpack the Small Boxes First: 12 Unique Displays For Your Eichler
Once Eichler SoCal has you in your dream Eichler home, you will need to make it uniquely yours. It is no secret that personal touches add character and life to a home. Joseph Eichler intended for the spaces within his homes to be shared by the whole family and to inspire all that visit. There is no better way to feel at home instantly in your new home than by unpacking your favorite small items first. Here are 12 unique display concepts that would each look at home in your Eichler. Some are ready-to-stage, while others may be small DIY projects. Clickable links in each description will get you a closer look at each concept.
1.The Sway shelf is a perfect place to begin because it can be used in many rooms. Imagine a row of them on an open wall of a kitchen displaying glassware or a single shelf above the stool in a bathroom. While this look could easily be recreated as a DIY project, a set of two shelves is just $69.
2.Orla Kiely’s Wall Units are the perfect playful punch of color and provide lots of unique display space. With sideboards and bar cabinets available to compliment them, they are a great series to consider for your Eichler.
3.This 505 Shelf System by Molteni & C. shown in Mustard would house a perfect blend of books and items and could make a great room divider.
4.The REMLshelf stands alone as wall art but can be used to wedge and shelve items. Each slat is adjustable, so the unit can be used many ways.
5. A similar installation concept to the Ordnungshaber listed above, this shelf system by Carlysle Manufacturing hangs from a picture rail installed horizontally in your room. Available in Walnut and Cherry woods, they range in price from $275-$400.
6. A modern twist on a shaker-style peg system, the Ordnungshaber storage system won first prize at the Cologne 2014 Young Designers Trade Fair. Shakers used these pegs to hang unused chairs around the room, and this system allows hanging pegs as well as shelving to be used.
7. We know a small DIY project isn’t always on the top of your list when unpacking, but consider this modern pegboard system from Apartment Therapy. They walk you through the full DIY process, from materials and measurements to installation.
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9. For those who collect hobbies that require equipment, consider displaying those items. The many styles of Mikili wall-mount bike racks available could make your space a lifestyle gallery.
10. At first glance these LINE racks by Apartment 8 are available in 27 matte finish and 17 high-gloss colors. A single unit could be installed near an atrium entry for quick access to a jacket or handbag, or a row of them in a master suite could display accessories.
11. Speaking of accessories, the “Take Off Your Shoes and Jackets” rack by Ariane Marz for Ex.t. could make a pile of shoes look like an art installation in seconds.
12. With a new home comes the opportunity to add some green life to a space. Have a black thumb? Air plants are a very low-maintenance way to add green and fun to your home. There are so many ways to display your airplants. We loved these DIY Minimal Copper Pipe Airplant Holders from poppytalk.com .
While packing and unpacking are not the best parts of moving, getting your own things unpacked into your new Eichler will make you feel right at home sooner. Still haven’t found your Eichler home in Southern California? Contact us today to start the conversation!
Use 3 Apps You Already Have To Organize Your Next Move
It is no news to you that there are a lot of apps out there in the land of smart-phones and tablets, plenty of them with very specific tasks and features. Looking for the right home and the move itself can be a very demanding season of your life. Sometimes most of the time we don’t really want to take the time to learn how to navigate a new app just for a short season of our lives. I wanted to show you a few ways you can use 3 apps that you very well may already have installed to maximize your time and resources without learning your way around 20 specific apps you will just forget the logins to a day later. Let’s learn how to collect your research, organize your resources and plan for future projects with Evernote, Houzz and Pinterest!
Evernote: Yes, that little green box with the elephant that everyone has in their productivity folders but not all use to it’s fullest potential. That is the beauty of Evernote, use it a little and you are already better off. Include it in your day-to-day and your entire catalog of information is at your fingertips. Searching for and moving into your new home is the perfect way to dive in. If you are an Eichler-enthusiast, chances are your are a more visual person. Evernote does a fantastic job of posting video tutorials every time they roll out a new feature. You can find all of their videos including ones on getting started over on their YouTube channel.
Access your Evernote on your phone, tablet or desktop. Notebooks can be shared with another user if you allow them to be. This can include your partner, interior designer, real estate agent, and the search functions are incredible. Looking at a dozen homes over the weekend? Snap photos and take notes of each one so you can review them all later.
Enhance your Evernote awesomeness by downloading one of their many other apps that are designed to sync and optimize your time and resources. I love the Penultimate app so much! From my phone I can pull up a sheet of graph paper, sketch out a layout or idea, include a photo and then save that information to a notebook. The IdeaPlaces app is a location-based way to use a map to tag and pinpoint on a map with your own notes. A great tool to be used when narrowing down the right home. Those are is just two examples of the many many apps that can sync to your Evernote account. Browse them all here and see which ones are the right fit for you.
Empower yourself with the priceless task of doing things right the first time. Taking a few extra steps the first time you take on a task makes life easier in the long run. Once you have decided on the home of your dreams in Southern Caliornia, you are already on track to stay organized before you even move in. Delete all of the excess information from other homes and you can now build new notebooks and notes to organize your move. Store photos of important documents you may need to search for later, or better yet purchase one of the many scanners that can be synced to your account and start building a searchable database of all of your important information.
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The directory feature of Houzz is a fantastic tool when you are searching for professionals in your area. You can narrow down by categories and read reviews posted by clients. I recently attended a Houzz event and was assured that Houzz takes customer reviews very very seriously. Every review is researched by Houzz staffer to be sure they are legit and valid to each professional. While a Houzz Pro can invite a client to write a review for their profile, they have no access to edit or remove that review.
The ideabooks you will build on Houzz will be your biggest asset when moving to or even selecting a new home. Keep your ideas organized and share them with a quick email to anyone you wish. Recently Houzz launched collaborated ideabooks. This means you can publicly (or privately) share an ideabook with your Realtor, contractor or designer and include notes within them.
If the first two apps mentioned aren’t your cup or tea or perhaps you just don’t want to learn a new app to use, Pinterest still remains the “old” reliable. Now that you know how to navigate and use this app you are among the masses using it on a daily basis. Pinterest has quickly become a search-engine for many users. Shopping Mid-Century furniture, pinning current listings you are interested in, or creating boards for your first few projects. It is the place to be! A new feature worth mentioning is the new messaging service. Now send private messages to other users on Pinterest! Remember the good old days…just a few weeks ago when you could do this easily on Facebook? Much like a note attached to a Houzz ideabook image, you can now collaborate on a project within the Pinterest interface.
Don’t want the world to know what homes your are looking at or projects you are planning? Find a great Eames chair on Ebay but don’t want a friend to snag it before you? May we suggest pinning to a secret board? This keeps your pinning off the main feed and out of sight from other users. You can still collaborate on a secret board by adding a user in the “edit board” prompt.
Buying your next home should be a fun and exciting adventure with the team at EichlerSoCal! Find the right tools that you are comfortable with and make them work with you to make the most of the experience. Call or click today to get started! 714.376.0212
Case Study House #24: Indoor Outdoor and Underground Living

Elevation of Case Study House #24 published by Jones & Emmons in Arts and Architecture magazine; 1961
Case Study homes are a required search topic for any new or old MCM enthusiast. If you haven’t yet fallen down the rabbit hole of this subject we at EichlerSoCal recommend allowing yourself plenty of time and keep a notepad handy as some might make it onto your must-visit bucket list. The Case Study house program was run by Arts and Architecture magazine from 1945-1966. They saw a need for housing during this post-war period but also understood the opportunity to redirect this mass of future homeowners in a new direction. According to the “Announcement” of the Case Study House Program, the goal was to define what a “post-war” house would be.
“Certainly we can develop a point of view and do some organized thinking which might come to a practical end.” – Arts and Architecture, 1945
Of the 36 Case Study designs, we were of course interested in one by Eichler’s very own A. Quincy Jones that was unfortunately never built. The concept, however, was so different we had to investigate and share what we found with you! Jones began working with Eichler when an issue of Architectural Forum in 1950 named the “House of the Year” to Jones in the same issue named “Subdivision of the Year” to Eichler. The partnership was destiny, and according to the Eichler Network, after a single meeting and a handshake the partnership began. In 1961 A. Quincy Jones and Frederick E. Emmons submitted their Case Study Home #24, and Eichler was a sponsor of the project.
It will be no surprise to Eichler enthusiasts to learn that Case Study House #24 was in fact a concept for a community of 260 homes to be built on a tract near Northridge. A shared park and recreation area was included in the plan and allowed each of the homes to require less space individually on the lot. It it thought that this element of the design is what may have kept it from development as many post-war buyers wanted to know that they own their land and home individually and not communally.
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An expected post-and-beam construction with radiant-heated floors and even an atrium were in the proposal but so was an unexpected element on the roof…water. A tray of 3-4 inches of water would help “maintain a comfortable living temperature in the hottest of weather.” Read the full Case Study publication here including diagrams of the lots and cut-sections of the space. The water on the roof would be connected to an irrigation system for the lot as well. The spaces not below the surface would still offer floor-to-ceiling glass and access to the outside for the indoor-outdoor lifestyle many post-war buyers were wanting.

Diagram of sound behaviors from Case Study House #24 published by Jones & Emmons in Arts and Architecture magazine; 1961
Another important part of the Case Study #24 proposal is the kitchen design, or should we say kitchens? Jones and Emmons proposed the addition of a “scullery” kitchen to each home. The main kitchen would be accessible to the living space and the secondary scullery kitchen would be accessible behind closed doors. The dishwashing, secondary sink and an added area for food preparation in the scullery made it a functioning second kitchen. Meals could be prepared out sight from guests and clean-up could be hidden in the scullery, leaving the dual-level peninsula area open for use the whole time. This secondary area in new homes is more commonly used now as a utility room or laundry room, but many larger homes still include a butler’s pantry (which originated in the 1800’s) adjacent to the dining room for the very same tasks proposed by Case Study Home #24.
What do you think works and doesn’t work with this Case Study? We would love to hear from Eichler fans how you think this tract may have worked out if it had been built? Always keep an eye on our blog for news and information on everything Eicher in Southern California!

Mid-Century Storytelling on the Big Screen
Mid-Century Modern Architecture Design in the movies
It’s not just Mad Men making MCM look good
When we close our eyes, our dreams are most certainly staged with clerestory windows, perfect patio spaces, and Danish-inspired furniture. Filmmakers get to make the settings of their dreams a reality. Mid-Century Modern design has remained a constant choice for a backdrop not only mid-century storytelling but can be see in many movies on the big screen. The spectrum of style and influence of Mid-Century design is as wide and as versatile as the tastes and interest of its fans. It should be no surprise that this era of time would be appealing to serve as a set for many projects.
Mid-Century sets are not only used for stories being told about life during the Post-War Period; many are set in current times. Even Hollywood power couples like Brad and Angie fantasize about Mid-century lives. Their “Domestic Bliss” photo shoot for W magazine was downright amazing! There is a continuing demand for Eichler and Mid-Century designed homes to be used as active sets to film in. I caught the premier episode of HBO’s new series Silicon Valley last night. The episode teased a few quick flashes of the exterior of the young web-developer’s home that appears to be an Eichler.
Of course we were thrilled to see an Eichler home featured in a Super Bowl commercial this past season. Having your Eichler home used as a set has its pros and cons though. Eichlernetwork.com wrote an interesting piece awhile back about the inconvenience of the takeover that happens, but for many, the paycheck that follows is worth it. One pair of Eichler-owners used the income from CSI episodes and the filming of Employee Of The Month (2006) to finance a restoration of their entire property. We have helped many production teams pair up with Eichler owners for projects like the images shown here from a recent commercial shoot.
Of course we could list iconic films like Pillow Talk (1959), Diamonds Are Forever (1971), Lautner’s Treehorn Residence from The Big Lebowski (1998), and who didn’t want Cameryn’s house from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986)? The Brady Bunch home and the phenomenal set design of the Mad Men series deserve posts of their own. James Munn’s “Design In Film: The Modern House” is just over 11 minutes long and jam-packed with MCM cinematic jewels. Instead, we thought we could show some of the other MCM gems that you may have overlooked?
She & Him: Current taste-makers and even young Millennials continue to be drawn to Mid-Century style and a throwback to a period of time they were not even around to experience. MCM influence is obvious in current home and fashion trends. Musical act She & Him have a love for this era in both music and style. MidcenturyModernist.com noticed a striking influence between a 1958 film, “American Look,” made by Chevrolet, and the She & Him video for “Don’t Look Back.” Both fun videos to watch, especially one after another. Follow the link here, and see for yourself.
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The Parr House: You may not recognize the owners of a Mid-Century property by their formal names of Bob and Helen Parr. In many households they are known as Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl from Disney Pixar’s The Incredibles (2004). The suburban home the Parr family is relocated to is one we really wish was a real property to visit. The chairs alone are worth watching for. Pixar continues to suggest the time period the film was to take place is ambiguous, but the overall style of the characters and set seem to be Mid-Century to us. Of course Pixar made a short film (they are kind of good at that stuff) describing the set design for the project. Pixar loves bringing the outside in as well. A large atrium at Pixar headquarters is accessible to all employees to develop thoughts, collaborate ideas, and keep them inspired.
Suzy Bishop’s Well, Entire Life: The films of Wes Anderson are known for meticulous care and attention to set design down a scribble on notepaper that may be seen on camera. Anderson’s use of color is so tactful many even consider the palettes of his work to become characters as well. We love this tumblr account dedicated to that very subject. The set of Moonrise Kingdom (2012) includes many great furniture pieces (those sliding door bookcase benches in the kids’ room would be great in an Eichler!) and wardrobe choices that lean toward the Mid-Century Style. The set of Anderson’s Bottle Rocket (1996) is also worth a mention.
Just what is the appeal of Mid-Century Modern style? The National Building Museum challenges that perhaps it is independence. The carefree single lifestyle, an empowered working women, evil supervillans. Films from the 50’s and 60’s showcasing these ideas and characters still resonate today. Mid-Century Modern influence is not going away. If anything it is gaining momentum. Recent films such as Crazy Stupid Love (2011), A Single Man (2009), and Ghost Writer (2010) have made that clear. If you are a Mid-Century enthusiast and a film and television fan, then there is even more of a call to action to make sure our Orange County properties get restored properly and maintained for future use. Contact us today if you have any questions or may be interested in being included on an upcoming project–we would love to get you involved! Our number is 714.376.0212.

PS Modernism Week 2014 Celebrates Scene and Style
Palm Springs’ Modernism Week: Scene and Style
Palm Springs’ Modernism Week: Beyond the Architecture
Palm Springs’ Modernism Week 2014 came to a close on February 23rd, but the last party wasn’t limited to only celebrating architecture, as designer Trina Turk offered the final lecture before the closing soiree in a manner that perfectly married style and estates.
Inspired by the multicultural mix of architecture and landscape in Southern California, Turk’s style––and voice––was a natural fit in wrapping up the activities (at the Annenberg Estate, no less). However, Turk’s appearance wasn’t the only style vibes being given off this past week; if you didn’t attend, here’s what you missed.
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The most obvious spot to have done any P.S. shopping during Modernism Week was at the Modernism Week Show & Sale. Tightly curated, the space had pieces that were deemed the best of each showroom present. While it wasn’t limited to only mid-century modern dealers, the items were all easy to mix-and-match within that style realm. Take Neil Rasmussen’s exhibit, for example: his antiques blend modern design and American western influence. Based in Menlo Park, many of his pieces end up in the surrounding neighborhood of mid-century modern Eichler homes.
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While art is present at the Modernism Week showroom and the yard sale, a larger selection housing Warhol’s, Dali’s, and artists that are more contemporary sits directly adjacent. Although technically not related to Modernism Week, the Palm Springs Fine Fair concurrently exhibits with the Modernism Week Show & Sale. They’re both in the Palm Springs Convention Center, maximizing your culture and, well, shopping experience.
Not everything in Palm Springs’ Modernism Week was something saved from the mid-century, though. The Prefab Showcase and Modern Living Expo was an amalgam of architects’ and designers’ expert commentary morphed into an outdoor show space, more geared towards the incorporation of modern technology into your residence. Many of the products of the event were made to highlight green or smart technology, demo-ing ways you can modernize your current (or future) mid-century modern home.
If you weren’t planning to rescue another piece of furniture, there were plenty of reasons to party during P.S. Modernism Week. Our insiders picked a favorite for this year’s event: the Palm Springs Preservation Foundation Retro Martini Party. Touted as one of the most refined soirees of Modernism Week, 2014’s PSPF event was held at the Walt & Lilly Disney Residence in Smoke Tree Ranch.
Another event that quickly sold out was the Palm Springs’ Modernism Committee Annual Gala. Crafted around a Moroccan-motif, the party took place at the Bougain Villa, a residence that eventually became a collab between Modernism Week 2014’s honoree Hugh Kaptur, and the renowned Albert Frey.
If you were staying and playing after dark, there were––and are––various P.S. events for every taste. Single-gal in your twenties? Peruse this guide. Looking to re-live the sixties? You should’ve been at the Purple Room’s Monterey Pop Fest. Supper club-meets-music, the Purple Room hosted events nearly every evening during this week’s gathering. In fact, remembering all of this has us already wanting to go back.
Tell us, what were your favorite events? What are you already planning for next year?

PA Modernism Week 2014: The Insider’s Architecture Guide
The Insider’s Architecture Tour: Palm Springs’ Modernism Week
Palm Springs and mid-century modern-everything has basically become synonymous. The two are so inherently linked that Modernism Week, the celebration of architecture that defines this desert city, has become one of the best places to view––and buy––modern real estate.
If it wasn’t already obvious to anyone that’s visited, Matthew Reader, agent at the modern architecture-niche agency, the Paul Kaplan Group, and 10-year Modernism Week veteran, sums up why this event pairs so perfectly with Palm Springs. “ The coloring of our natural environs lends to much of the shadow and light play within details of even lesser buildings,” he says.
These details are what has made this year yet another success for the festival and the real estate. After all, as Reader says, “The buildings are impossible to ignore, even if you’re not a great aficionado of architecture.”
But even those familiar with architecture can run into an obstacle navigating a city this dense with gems; so, here’s Reader’s insider picks for the best Palm Springs’ architecture of Modernism Week 2014:
“The private residence of Albert Frey is always a standout,” Reader says. “The location––on the mountainside behind the art museum––affords it spectacular views, and being built into the mountainside with the rock protruding into the home is an early example of the lines between Palm Springs indoor-outdoor living being blurred.”
Frey has always been an iconic designer of Palm Springs, producing notable landmarks such as the Palm Springs’ City Hall and the Aerial Tramway, but this house is especially recognized for its small, compact space. “I love the built-in furnishings, and the hi-fi is a favorite…the efficient galley kitchen is another great feature of this love letter to compact living.”
Another favorite of this year’s festival is the crown jewel, the 1959 Siva House. Also known as the Russell house, it was envisioned by Detroit-transplant Hugh Kaptur. The residence is truly emblematic of what we think of as mid-century design, in that its focus (like Frey’s), isn’t on what’s inside but rather the perfect marriage of both the indoor and outdoor space.
Carved into a spot above Palisades road, the endless panels of glass look over the assorted Palm Springs landscape, with blocks of color mirroring the bright interiors: golf course, second homes, and mountains abound. The interiors were picked from the Palm Springs’ mid-century furniture scene: think Maloof end tables, a Hans Wegner daybed, and Nakashima barstools.
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Reader also suggests visiting the Edris House, and even the sad, oft-maligned Town and Country Center. “It’s certainly one of the loveliest designs by A. Quincy Jones,” Reader says, “It’s really a disappointment that the owner does not take more of an interest in it or make it available to someone who cares.”
This degradation of P.S. landmarks isn’t uncommon, unfortunately. While many lectures at Modernism Week touch on this subject, Gary John’s talk is the standout. “It’s one of the most eye-opening and informative presentations that I’ve see,” shares Reader, adding that it’s an event he makes a priority to attend each year.
If it’s been tricky to get spots on many of the tours or watch the lectures, there are also resources to either get first draft (sign up as a Palm Springs Modernism Committee member) or download the newest Palm Springs architectural tour app. It details over 80 mid-century landmarks by location, or architect. This app is an important supplement to any Palm Springs’ trip, regardless of season, because like John’s lecture, it really touches on the triumphs (and disappointments) of preservation efforts in the city.
While it is heartbreaking to read about the landmarks that have been destroyed by arson or simply a really horrible re-design, the degradation of some properties make the standout saved ones even brighter. Our favorites include the Tramway Gas Station and Fire Station No. 1, both rehabilitated landmarks in Palm Springs.
Perhaps the easiest way to enjoy the architecture in Palm Springs is to do the obvious: get your own place. Palm Springs is the perfect second-home option, thanks to the year-round sunshine and ability to preserve key mid-century modern architecture. For purchasing, the usual suspects are always stand-outs (think Wexler/Harrison, Albert Frey, A. Quincy Johns, Stewart Williams, Palmer/Krisel), but options such as renovated Alexander Construction Co. residences are also a safe investment.
Note that investing in modern real estate should always be done through an educated agent; many of these homes have been renovated and stripped down to the bolts, so it’s important that whichever piece you do chose to invest in strikes the right balance between modern and thoughtful updates.
Now that Reader has shared his favorite architectural gems, tell us, which sites do you plan to visit (or have visited) during Modernism Week? We’d love to hear.